
全国等级考试资料网 2019-03-09 10:29:23 86


  Section A(1-8)

Directions:In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.

1. A) He is pleased to sit on the committee. B)He is willing to offer the woman a hand.

C) He will tell the woman his decision later. D)He would like to become a club member.

2. A)Their planned trip to Vancouver is obviously overpriced.

B)They should borrow a guide book instead of buying one.

C)The guide books in the library have the latest information.

D)The library can help order guide books about Vancouver.

3. A)He regrets having taken the history course.

B)He finds little interest in the history books.

C)He has trouble finishing his reading assignments.

D)He has difficulty writing the weekly book report.

4. A)The man had better choose another restaurant.

B)The new restaurant is a perfect place for dating.

C)The new restaurant caught her fancy immediately.

D)The man has good taste in choosing the restaurant.

5. A)He has been looking forward to spring. B)He has been waiting for the winter sale.

C)He will clean the woman’s boots for spring. D)He will help the woman put things away.

6. A)At a tailor’s. B)At Bob’s home. C)In a clothes store. D)In a theatre.

7. A)His guests favor Tibetan drinks. B)His water is quite extraordinary.

C)Mineral water is good for health. D)Plain water will serve the purpose.

8. A)Report the result of a discussion. B)Raise some environmental issues.

C)Submit an important document. D)Revise an environmental report.

  Section C

Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks with the exact words you have just heard. Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written.

Perhaps because going to college is so much a part of the American dream, many people go for no (26) ______reason. Some go because their parents expect it, others because it’s what their friends are doing. Then, there’s the belief that a college degree will (27) ______ensure a good job and high pay.

Some students (28) ______ through four years, attending classes, or skipping (逃课) them as the case may be, reading only what can’t be avoided, looking for less (29) ______ courses, and never being touched or changed in any important way. For a few of these people, college provides no (30) ______, yet because of parental or peer pressure, they cannot voluntarily leave. They stop trying in the hope that their teachers will make the decision for them by (31) ______ them.

To put it bluntly (直截了当地), unless you’re willing to make your college years count, you might be (32) ______doing something else. Not everyone should attend college, nor should everyone who does attend begin right after high school. Many college students(33) ______ taking a year or so off. A year out in the world helps some people to (34) ______ their priorities and goals. If you’re really going to get something out of going to college, you have to make it mean something, and to do that you must have some idea why you’re there, what you hope to get out of it, and (35) ______even what you hope to become.


Section A(1-8)

1. W:Tom, would you be interested in serving on the membership committee this year?

M:Can I go back to you on that in a few days?

Q:What does the man mean?

【答案解析】C 对话中女士问男士今年是否愿意在会员资格审查处任职,男士回答说“我过几天给你回复可以吗?”由此可知男士对于serving on the committee一事,自己不能马上做决定,要考虑几天。C选项推断合理,因此正确。

2. W:We should buy a good guide book and study it before our trip to Vancouver.

M:We could. But they are overpriced. What about the library?

Q:What does the man mean?

【答案解析】B 对话中女士说道,他们在去温哥华旅行前应该买一本好的旅游指南,男士回应说“旅行指南太贵了,不如去图书馆看看”。很显然,与花钱买guide books相比,男士倾向于到图书馆借阅。B选项是对男士话语的合理推断,因此正确。

3. W:You took a history course this term, didn’t you? What can you say about it?

M:Well,the trouble is that I never get through the weekly reading list, though some books are quite interesting.

Q:What does the man mean?

【答案解析】C 当女士询问男士上历史课的感受时,男士说道“麻烦的是每周阅读书目上的书我从没读完过,尽管一些书很有趣”。C选项是对话内容的同义转述,因此正确。

4. M:I’m taking my girlfriend to the fancy new restaurant for her birthday tonight.

W:I went there last weekend.I found it rather disappointing.

Q: What does the woman mean?

【答案解析】A 对话中男士说他今晚带女友去那家新开的餐厅庆生,女士则说“我觉得那家餐厅非常令人失望”,句中it是指the new restaurant。而女士之所以这样告知男士,是希望他换一家餐厅。A选项推断合理,因此正确。

5. W:Winter is over at last. Time to put away my gloves and boots.

M:I’ve been waiting for this for months.

Q:What does the man mean?

【答案解析】A 对话中女士说道,冬天结束了,是时候把手套和靴子收起来了。男士回应“我这几个月一直都在等待这一刻(this)的到来”。男士口中的this为冬天终于结束了。冬天过了就是春天,男士等待冬天的结束就是盼望春天的到来,因此A选项正确。

6. M:Look!The curtain is going up slowly and all the lights over the stage are lit up.

W:Yeah, the play is starting. Oh, something caught my sleeve. Give me a hand please, Bob.

Q:Where are the speakers now?

【答案解析】D 对话中男士说到“幕布正在慢慢升起”和“舞台所有的灯都亮了”,女士说道了“演出要开始了”,由curtain(幕布)、light(灯)和the play(戏剧)可以判断对话者在剧院里,因此D选项正确。

7. W:You only have water to serve your guests?

M: This isn’t just plain water. This is mineral water from Tibet.

Q: What does the man imply?

【答案解析】B 对话中女士提出只用白开水待客的质问,男士以“这可不是一般的水,而是来自西藏的矿泉水”回应。“不是一般的水”,即水很特别,B选项是对男士回答的合理理解,因此正确。

8. W: When do you have time to discuss our environmental report? I think we will have to make some revisions.

M: I’ll be free at 3 o’clock this afternoon. But what exactly needs to be changed?

Q: What are the speakers going to do this afternoon?

【答案解析】D 对话中女士询问男士何时有时间来讨论环境报告,并认为其还需要修改(make some revisions)。而男士也以“我下午三点有空”回应。由此可知,男士接受了女士的提议,并决定在下午与女士discuss并make some revisions,因此D选项正确。

Section C

Perhaps because going to college is so much a part of the American dream, many people go for no particular reason. Some go because their parents expect it, others because it’s what their friends are doing. Then, there’s the belief that a college degree will automatically ensure a good job and high pay.

Some students drift through four years, attending classes, or skipping them as the case may be, reading only what can’t be avoided, looking for less demanding courses, and never being touched or changed in any important way. For a few of these people, college provides no satisfaction, yet because of parental or peer pressure, they cannot voluntarily leave. They stop trying in the hope that their teachers will make the decision for them by failing them.

To put it bluntly, unless you’re willing to make your college years count, you might be better off doing something else. Not everyone should attend college, nor should everyone who does attend begin right after high school. Many college students profit from taking a year or so off. A year out in the world helps some people to sort out their priorities and goals. If you’re really going to get something out of going to college, you have to make it mean something, and to do that you must have some idea why you’re there, what you hope to get out of it, and probably even what you hope to become.

26.【答案解析】particular 空格所在句主干完整。由空格前的no和空格后的reason推测,本空需要填入名词、形容词或分词,修饰reason。because 引导的原因状语指出“可能上大学是美国梦非常重要的一部分”,由此推断,本句很可能表示很多人上大学并没有“特别的,特殊的(particular)”原因。

27.【答案解析】automatically 由空格前的情态动词will和空格后的谓语动词ensure可知,空格处应该填一个副词或介词短语,作状语。本句是对前面2句的总结,说明“大学文凭”与“好工作高收入”之间的一种联系。

28.【答案解析】drif 空格所在句一个简单句。分析可知,句子的主语是Some students,现在分词短语attending…, skipping…,reading…,looking…和being…均作伴随状语,而本空位于该句的谓语部分。此外,由于文章的主时态是一般现在时,主语Some students是复数,可以猜测此处应填入动词(词组)的原形。

29.【答案解析】demanding 结合28题的答案预测部分可知,空格所在处是其中的一个伴随状语,由空前的less和空后的名词courses可以推测,本空可能需要填入一个多音节的形容词,修饰courses。

30.【答案解析】satisfaction 空格所在句是一个由yet连接的并列句,本空位于分句一中。分句一的主语为college,谓语为provides,而no和空格处组成本句的宾语。由空前的no和空后的逗号可知,空格处应填入名词性质的词(组)。

31.【答案解析】failing 空格位于that引导的同位语从句中。从句的主干结构完整,主语为their teachers,谓语为will make,宾语为the decision,by them为方式状语。由空格前的介词by与空格后的人称代词them推知,此处可能会填入动名词(词组)。

32.【答案解析】better off 空格所在句是一个复合句,其中的To put it bluntly是插入语,unless引导条件状语从句,而空格位于主句中。分析后可知,主句的结构完整,鉴于空格正好位于be和doing之间,所填词可以是形容词(短语)、副词(短语)等形式。

33.【答案解析】profit from 空格所在句是一个简单句,分析可知,本句缺少谓语。鉴于主语Many college students为复数形式,且全文时态为一般现在时,本空应填动词(词组)原形。此外,由空格后的taking可知,所填词应为及物动词或“不及物动词+介词”的形式。

34.【答案解析】sort out 空格所在句是一个简单句,主语为A year out in the world,谓语为helps,宾语为some people。鉴于“help sb. (to) do sth.”这一固定用法,空格处应填入动词(词组)原形,与to和their priorities and goals共同作宾语some people的补足语。

35.【答案解析】probably 空格所在句是一个由and连接的并列句,空格位于分句二中。在分句二中,主语为you,谓语为must have,宾语为some idea,to do that作目的状语,why和两个what引导的从句均为idea的同位语,而本空位于what引导的同位语从句中。该从句主干结构完整,空格处作该句的状语。其形式可以是副词(短语)、介词短语、动词不定式(短语)、分词(短语)等。

