
全国等级考试资料网 2022-09-09 01:23:56 24


【考法 1】 adj. 充满感情的,热情洋溢的: exhibiting ormarked by great intensity of feeling

【例】 a fervent speech that called for toleranceand compassion for those who are physicallychallenged 一个充满感情的演说,它呼吁人们对残疾人持有一颗包容和同情的心

【近】 ardent, demonstrative, fervid, flaming, glowing, impassioned, incandescent, passionate, perfervid, torrid, vehement, zealous

【反】 cold, cool, dispassionate, emotionless, impassive, unemotional 冷漠的


【考法 1】 n. 虚构的事物,幻觉: something made up or contrived

【例】 Unable to find any tracks in the snow the next morning, I was forced to conclude thatthe shadowy figure had been a figment of my imagination. 第二天一早,我没有在雪地上发现任何足迹,由此我不得不相信昨晚幽灵一样的物体只是我的空想。‖Thus far, the invisible human being hasbeen nothing more than a figment of fantasy writers. 到目前为止,隐形人还仅仅只是玄幻小说笔下的构想。

【近】 chimera, conceit, daydream, delusion, dream, fancy, fantasy, hallucination, illusion, phantasm, vision

【反】 fact, materiality, reality 客观存在的事物


【考法 1】 vi. 预示,预兆: to show signs of a favorable or successful outcome

【例】 That police car parked outside the house doesn’t forebode well. 门外停着的那辆警车可不是什么好兆头。

【近】 augur, predict, promise

【派】 foreboding n. 预感,预兆


【考法 1】 n. 罚金: a sum of money to be paid as a punishment

【例】 The forfeit for each baseball player involved in the brawl was $5,000. 参加大家的篮球运动员都受到了五千美元的罚款。

【近】 damages, fine, forfeiture, mulct, penalty

【反】 bonus, premium, prize 奖金


【考法 1】 vt. 彻底放弃,抛弃: to renounce or turn away from entirely

【例】 Forsaking most of our possessions, we evacuated just before the hurricane struck. 我们抛下了绝大多数的财产,终于在海啸来袭之前撤离了。‖Her boyfriend has forsaken her. 她的男朋友将她抛弃。

【近】 abandon, desert, maroon, quit, renounce, strand

【反】 reclaim 重新获得;hold, keep, retain, withhold 保留

【派】 forsaken adj. 被抛弃的

