
  • 动词 + AAffidare aDomandare aConsigliare aMandare aObbedire aComunicare aConsigliare aFare aOffrire aPortare aPresentare aImpedire aPartecipare aRegalare a, 等等.Comunico a tutti il mio matrimonio...

  • 动词 + DIDimenticarsi diAccorgersi diRicordarsi diVergognarsi diDubitare diPreoccuparsi diMeravigliarsi di, 等等.Non ti dimenticare di meTi sei accorto di quanto sia triste?Ti ricordi di Luisa?...

  • 一般疑问句形式意大利语不像其它语言一样有专用的疑问句语法形式,对于没有疑问词的问句,在口语中通过语调的变化来(句末用升调)表达疑问,而在...

  • In a reflexive sentence the action of the verb reverts to the subject, as in the following examples: I wash myself. They enjoy themselves. In reflexive sentences, Italian verbs, like English verbs, ar...

  • A sentence is usually made negative in Italian by placing the word non in front of the verb:Francesca voule dormire. (Francesca wants to sleep.)Francesca non voule dormire. (Francesca doesnt want to s...

  • As a rule, the Italian possessive adjectives are preceded by definite articles:la mia camicia (my shirt)il nostro amico (our friend)i vostro vicini (your neighbor)i suoi libri (his/her books)One e...

  • 意大利语法:意大利语副词An adverb (avverbio) is a word that modifies a verb, an adjective, or another adverb. In English, adverbs are often formed by adding the suffix -ly to adjectives: s...

  • 意大利语法:意大利语动名词I am eating, you are drinking, the soprano is singing. In Italian, the gerund (il gerundio) is equivalent to the “-ing“ verb form in English. To form the sim...

  • 名词的性分为两种:1)有生命的词,比如:教授,老师,学生,狗,猫,狮子等等,这样的词既有词性也有性别;在大部分情况下,词性和性别是对应的...

  • 名词的性阳性名词的词尾有1以o结尾的;大部分以o结尾的单数名词是阳性,例如Ragazzo,marito,muro,naso,occhio,capo,cavallo,lupo等2以e结尾的;有一些是阳性,例...

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